One of the phenomena which is occurring these days to let us know that we are moving with spirit, a way our guides and teachers have of making us aware of the energies and significance of numbers, is the appearance of three or more of the same number. I awaken very often in the middle of the night and it is 2:22 or 3:33 or 4:44 on my digital clock (occasionally 5:55) or, I glance at the clock and it frequently reads 11:11, or once in a while 12:12. This information is compiled from several sources, and Lord Michael has validated it.
111 Energy flow * Enhancing whatever level you are in presently *
222 Resurrection and ascension process.
333 Decision number * Either directs you into a phase of 999 completion, or negatively, it puts you in the 666 frequency which throws you back into the third dimension *
444 This is an actual resurrection number * You have just completed an important phase *
555 Experiencing the energy or a level of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS * Very significant *
666 Material world * Third-dimensional frequency *Denseness *
777 Symbolizes an integration of some portion of the four lower bodies with higher spiritual frequencies within the Third-dimensional plane, or 111 at the level in which you are manifesting your physical reality on the Earth Plane *
888 Symbolizes infinity * The unified spiral of the physical merging with the Spiritual * Moving toward the completion of the ascension process through the energies of 222 and 444.
999 Symbolizes the three levels of the triune * Completion*
000 GREAT VOID * Experiencing a NULL ZONE * Switching or moving into a new Energy Field *
10:10 Moving into a new beginning 1(one) - and moving into the pattern of the Great Void 0(zero) - or a much higher resonace or frequency of Spirit.
11:11 Beginning of a whole new level or phase of development * Another dimension or frequency of experience * A PORTAL WAY OPENING *
12:12 A COSMIC CONNECTION * A bridge to the future * Signifies a level of completion or graduation*
Also pay attention to license plates, cash register receipts ...anywhere there are numbers to be seen.