Micellanious Pampering Potions

Sunburn Lotion

1 cup spring water
1/4 cup cider vinegar
1/4 cup witch hazel
2 Tablespoons aloe vera gel
Mix all ingredients together in a clean, dry plastic bottle. Shake well before using. To use: Gently apply to your sunburned skin and allow to dry.
Reapply as necessary.

Bad Sun-burned Paste

3 Tablespoons aloe vera gel
1 Tablespoon cornstarch
5 drops Vitamin E
Mix together in a small bowl. Spread paste over your sunburned skin and allow to dry for 30 minutes. Follow up with a cool (not warm or hot)bath.

Cooling Peppermint Foot Bath

3/4 cups Epsom salts
1/4 cup baking soda
8 drops peppermint oil
12 drops tangerine oil
combine all the ingredients in a clean, dry jar and cap. Shake well to blend the ingredients. To Use: pour 1/4 cup into a warm foot bath and soak your feet for 20 minutes.

Cooling Mint Foot Powder

1/2 cup cornstarch
2 Tablespoons baking soda
2 Tablespoons powered spearmint leaves
2 drops peppermint oil
1 drop bergamot oil
To powder the pepermint leaves simply grind them up in a coffee/spice grinder till powdered. Combine all ingredients in a clean, dry jar and cap.Shake well to blend the ingredients. Put into a shaker can and sprinkle your feet, on your socks and in your shoes.

Chamomile - Rose Body Powder

1/2 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup rice powder
1 teaspoon ground chamomile flowers
1 teaspoon ground rose petals
3 drops geranium oil
2 drops chamonile fragrance oil

Combine all ingredients in a clean, dry jar and cap. Shake to blend ingredients. put into a shaker can and use and desired.

Note: people with allergies to ragweed should avoid the use of chamomile products it can cause an allergic reaction.

Rosemary - Lemon Body Powder

1/2 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup rice powder
1/2 teaspoon ground fennel seed
1 teaspoon ground lemon grass
2 drops rosemary oil
3 drops juniper berry oil
Proceed as with Chamomile - Rose Body Powder.

Peppermint Astrigent

1 cup witch hazel
4 Tablespoon fresh peppermint leaves or 2 Tablespoons dried mix together the leaves and the witch hazel in a jar and tightly cap. Let sit 2 weeks in a cool, dark place. After 1 week strain off solids and bottle in a clean container. To use: apply to the skin using a cottone ball or a mister bottle.

Rose Astrigent

1/2 cup rosewater
1 cup witch hazel
4 tablespoons dried fragrant rose petals

Mix together the witch hazel and rose petals in a jar and tightly cap. Let sit 2 weeks. Strain the solids and trash. Pour into a clean continer and add the rosewater. To Use: apply to skin with a cotton ball or a mister bottle.

Tropical Bath Salts

1/4 cup sea salts
1/4 cup Epsom salts
1/4 cup baking soda
8 drops mango fragrance oil
5 drops coconut fragrance oil
2 drops lime oil

Pour all ingredients into a dry, clean container and cap. shake well to combine the ingredients. To Use: Pour 1/4 cup into a tub of warm water and stir to disslove.

Strawberry & Cream Facial Mask - for all skyn types

1/2 cup fresh strawberries, cleaned and mashed
1 Tablespoon sweet cream
1 tablespoon cornstarch

Mix together all the ingredients to make a smooth paste. Spread all over your face & let sit for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat skin dry. Refrigerate any left over and use as soon as possible.

Peach & Cream Facial Mask - for dry or aging skin.

1 medium peach, cleaned, peeled and mashed
1 Tablespoon sweet cream
1 tablespoon cornstarch

Proceed as with strawberry facial mask.

Raspberry Facial Mask - for over sunned and aging skin

1/2 cup raspberries, cleaned and mashed
2 Tablespoons honey

Combine the raspberries and honey together. Spread over your face and leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Melon Facial Masks - excellent toners for all skin types.

1/4 cup watermenon, cantaloupe or honeydew melon, cleaned peeled and mashed
1 Tablespoon cornstarch

Proceed as with strawberry facial mask.