Spirit Mystery's Spiritual Palace

(hope this doesn't offend anyone...)

10.) Those really cute ritual robes.
9.) Good excuse to dance around naked outside.
8.) Ritual Cakes and Ale contain "magickal" calories and therefore don't count as part of your diet.
7.) All of your ex-lovers are terrified of you, and treat you very nicely.
6.) Having big hips is a symbol of fertility, and therefore incredibly sexy.
5.) Be honest.... deep down, haven't you always wanted to dress like Stevie Nicks?? (Always.)
4.) Meditation is an excellent way to tune out, "Honey, go get me another beer.".
3.) We're the only ones that know how to get candlewax out of carpet.
2.) Palm reading is a nice way to pick up guys.
And the number one best thing about being a Pagan chick...
1.) Two words: PHALLIC SYMBOLISM!!! (Woo hoo! )

Top Ten Reasons to Become Wiccan

#10 - Taking random days off from work because your boss has no idea when the heck Solstice is.

#9 - Pagan chicks are hot!

#8 - There is no cover charge on a field of grass.

#7 - You can still celebrate any other holiday. (You're just being considerate.)

#6 - Its impossible to tithe your salary to a rainbow.

#5 - Your bowling league makes a perfect coven.

#4 - Candles are now tax-deductible.

#3 - The Rule of Three, baby!

#2 - Being skyclad all the time.

And the number one reason to become a Wiccan...

#1 - It makes Pat Robertson wake, screaming and sweating, in the middle of the night!