Sometimes known as Vetiver. A deeply relaxing, soothing oil for the mind and body. Earthy, smokey aroma, which is more pleasant when diluted. Assists in reducing blood pressure. Sensual properties. Blends subtly with Lavender, Sandalwood and Jasmine.
Source: roots, Haiti
production method: steam distillation
aromatherapy class: balancing, grounding
aroma type: woodsy
skin type: sensitive, aging/mature
traditional use: emollient
blends well with: sandalwood, jasmine, patchouli, lavender, clary sage, mimosa, ylang ylang
Main constituents:- Vetiverol, vitivone, vetivenes.
Vetiver - Vetiveria zizanioides/Indonesia/Rootlet. The aroma is heavy, woody, earthy, sweet and improves when aged. Vetiver oil is used extensively in perfumery for its fixative effects as well as its fragrance. Bourbon vetiver, the grade we offer, is the finest quality oil. Aromatherapy benefits: soothing, calming, relaxing, anchoring.
Low Essential Oils Can Be Used Implementing essential oil use into one's lifestyle can be quite easy, and therapeutically beneficial. Of course, you need to pay special attention o safety cautions and uses the oils with care. Below are a few ways in which essential oils can be implemented within your household and lifestyle. these methods are intended as guidelines only and should be used with care.
Easy Inhalation - Place a few (3-4) drops of essential oil on a tissue. Place the tissue near your nose and inhale.
Steam Inhalation - Boil 1-2 cups of water. Pour the water into a bowl and add 3-7 drops of oil to the water. Place your nose about 12" away from the bowl and inhale. Don't inhale the steam constantly. Steam inhalation can help with colds and flues but also use of energizing or relaxing oils can make this method useful any time of day or night.
Room Freshening - Use the steam inhalation method noted above but don't directly inhale into the bowl. Use up to 10 drops of oil. Other methods including use of an aromatherapy diffuser or lamp scent ring available through many aromatherapy companies.
General Household Freshening - Add a few drops of oil to your trash can, laundry wash, drain, vacuum bag filter, or on a tissue for placement in your drawers.
Bug Repellent - Many essential oils including citronella, lavender, and peppermint is a natural repellent against insects. Sprinkle a few drops of essential oils near your doorways and windows to help repel insects. Be sure to read all safety data on the oils you use as some oils may not be suitable for use around pets.
Massage - Add 10-20 drops of essential oil to 1-ounce carrier oil such as sweet almond oil and massage onto yourself or partner. Keep away from eyes and genital areas. Essential oils should only be applied undiluted by those who are very experienced in aromatherapy. Be sure to also read the safety data for the essential oils you choose to use.
Bath - Add 5-7 drops essential oil to 1-ounce carrier oil. Add this blend to You're running bath water and mix well before getting into the tub. Be sure to also read the safety data for the essential oils you choose to use.
Other Uses
Essential oils can be used in making homemade lotions, facial toners, shampoos, perfumes, soaps, shower gels, and other natural products. The Recipe area includes several recipes. Additionally, essential oils are often blended for their therapeutic syergistic abilities. The Essential Oil Synergy area includes a selection of such blends. The Recommended Books area lists several excellent books that offer detailed recipes and other
uses for essential oils as well as providing essential safety and essential oil information.
various herbal recipies
Ylang Ylang
'Flower of flowers' and often called 'The poor person's Jasmine'. A
Exotic oil, long used for its sensual properties. Soothing and relaxing
during times of tension and stress. Ideal for both oily and dry skins
and as
a hair rinse [2 drops in rinse water].
Source: flowers, Indonesia
production method: solvent extraction
aromatherapy class: calming, balancing
aroma type: floral
skin type: oily, dry, normal to combination, aging/mature
traditional use: perfume, aphrodisiac
blends well with: bergamot, lavender, lemon, narcissus, neroli,
sandalwood, vetiver
Main constituents:- Methyl benzoats, methyl salicylate, linalyl
cadinene, caryophyllene, pinene, cresol, eugenol, linalol, geraniol.
Magickal Uses: Ylang-ylang Promotes love, peace or sex.
Aromatic Blending, Recipes & Carrier Oils
Creating a pleasant and effective blend of essential oils, or synergy,
is a
work of art that is as gratifying as it is therapeutic. There are many,
recipes for combining essential oils. Some are better than others and
will find that your own tastes will play a role as you become more
with the oils.
Create your own massage, bath and body oils by combining essential oils
a carrier oil. Most full body massage oils have about 3-5% of essential
concentration. Bath oils can have a higher concentration of essential
perhaps 5-8%. The two things to keep in mind when deciding on the
concentration is "how will the oil be used?" and "what oils am I
overall body oil should have less of a concentration of essential oils
an oil for a specific area, such as the feet. Essential oils that are
powerful, such as Rose or Immortelle, can be used in much smaller
than say Lavender or Bergamot. Practice and experimentation is the key
creating a good blend that becomes a personal favorite!
Measurement Conversion Table
25 drops per ml
5 parts Geranium
5 parts Jasmine
Cananga Odorata (Family, Annonaceae)
Perfume Note=Base/Middle
30ml per oz
16oz per lb
2.2 lbs per kilo
3 parts Clary Sage
2 parts YlangYlang
3 parts YlangYlang
1 part Clary Sage