Spirit Mystery's Spiritual Palace

Zodiac Magick

Please note, bearing fruits dont mean fruit trees, means anything whose 'fruits' grow, like cabbage or brocolli are above ground fruits, while carrots and beats are underground fruits. etc.

FruitFull Signs

Cancer - Time for planting leafy crops bearing fruits above the ground. Prune to encourage growth in Cancer.

Scorpio - Good for germination and swift growth. In Scorpio, prune for bud development.

Pisces - For root growth plant in the last of the Watery Triad.

Taurus - You should plant root crops while the Moon is in the sign of the Bull.

Capricorn - Best for growing rhizomes, bulbs, roots, tubers and stalks. Prune now to strengthen branches

Libra - altho not the best of the signs for planting, Libra is excellent for planting flowers and vines.

Barren Signs

Leo - First of the Barren Signs, Leo is best for destroying weeds and pests. Cultivate and till the soil.

Gemini - Time to harvest, gather your herbs and roots. Reap while the Moon is in a sign of Air or Fire to assure best storage

Virgo - Best to Plow, cultivate and control weeds while the moon is in Virgo

Sagittarius - While the moon is in Sagittarius plow and cultivate the soil or harvest under the archer Moon. Prune now to discourage growth.

Aquarius - This is the dry sign of Air, it is perfect for ground cultivation, reaping crops, gathering roots and herbs. It is also a good time to destroy weeds and pests.

Aries - Cultivate, weed and prune to lesson growth. Gather herbs and roots for storage.

PS: keep in mind that these are to be done while the moon is in those signs. if anyone wants ill post the current Moon Calendar also (Which tells the current sign the moon is in also