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The following is the official report of col. McCarter, 
commanding the regiment in the battle of Williamsburg, Va.:
"Headquarters 93rd Pa. Regt., May 8th, 1862."Capt. W. H. Morris,
 Peck' Brigade:

"When at 2.30 P.M., the order was given by General Peek, 
"Move up 93rd," we advanced in quick time to take position
in the rear of the 55th N.Y. and support it.  On our arrival
upon the field we found that ground amounting on the front 
to about 120 yards on the right of the 55th and the left of 
the 102nd Pa. was unoccupied.

"This was the space between the two roads, one known as the
'new cut' road,the other the old on its right, and both
coming together at this distance of 200 yards beyond the
woods through which we moved to take position.  As the
enemy could be seen advancing in force the regiment was
rapidly posted.Its right resting on the 102nd Pa. Vols.,
thus occupying the middle front of the Brigade and extending
its left in the rear of the 55th N.Y.

"About two-thirds of the command were in line when the
charge of the enemy was made, and the fire of our right
wing under direction of lt. Col. Johnson,began.

"The enemy's charge was led by a squadron of cavalry.  
The rebel fort, known as Fort Magruder, and a smaller one 
on the extreme right of the Brigade front,four pieces of 
rebel artillery, which had been brought into position about 500 
yards in our front, together with cavalry and infantry, poured
in upon us a storm of shot, shell, grape cannister and bullets.

"For three hours the fire of the regiment was incessant 
on account of its position, commanding a view of both 
the openings of the roads, on either side of which were 
fallen bushes and trees, over whose tops volleys of musketry
blazed upon our line.  At the end of this time, the right 
and center had expended 45 rounds and were without ammunition.
The two companies of the left Co. B. Capt. Arthur, and Co. G.
Capt. Maitland, had been posted by me in rear of the left of 
the 55th, under Capt. Derr, acting Major, where the enemy made
three attempts to flank them, but here they were as often 
driven back.The firing of the Rebels on this flank having 
ceased, and these two companies having thirty unexpended rounds,
were conducted by me to take position on our extreme right upon 
which the fire of the enemy was still hotly kept up.  
Here our silence for some moments had induced the idea that we 
had retired,and these two companies had scarcely been posted 
when the enemy were seen charging up the road at the distance 
of about 100 yards.  One volley from Company G.; aimed low and 
with accuracy, stopped their charge and they ceased to advance, 
but continued to fire rapidly and with fearful effect.  At the end
of 30 minutes they had been repulsed here and along our whole front,
and except scattering musketry from the bushes and shells from 
Fort magruder and their field pieces, we ceased to be annoyed 
by them "The Regiment maintained an unbroken line for fully 
fifteen minutes after every round of ammunition  had been 
expended, and we held our ground until 6 P.M.We were relieved 
by the 85th Pa. Regt. Keim's Brigade.

"Headquarters Peck's Brigade.Battlefield, May 6, 1862."

"Capt. F. A. Walker, Adjutant General.  Couch's Division:

"Sir:  On the 5th inst., Couch's division was ordered to move 
after Casey's.About 11 A.M. I came up with Casey's command, 
which had halted, and hearing heavy firing in front passed on 
by it towards the headquarters of General keys.

"About two o'clock I received orders to move my five regiments
and two batteries in support of Hooker's Division, then engaged
on the extreme left:the command was urged on with all possible 
speed over bad roads and in drenching rain.  Gen. Keys, commanding 
4th Corps. Met and gave me important directions.  General Couch, 
though ill, accompanied me to the field, and reported my arrival 
and advised in the dispositions.

"Reports of movements against my front were quickly followed 
by a shower of shot, shell and cannister from several batteries
in the advance, the enemy's infantry displaying Union colors.  
My line was pressed under this combination of circumstances.  
At this juncture I moved to the left centre, the 93rd 
Pennsylvania Regiment, Col. McCarter.

"The regiment came into line handsomely, and by the additional
weight of its fire, I was enabled to recover the ground 
from which the line had receded.It is very gratifying to say 
that the four gun battery, which had been captured by the enemy,
was retaken and remained under the guns of the 62nd New York,
55th New York and 93rd Pennsylvania, at the close of the engagement.

Col. McCarter, although very ill, from a week's camp fever, 
went into action with his regiment, and did great service.

Captain, Acting Adjutant General.

"To Brigadier General Couch, Commanding Division."


The following is the report of Gen. Couch, Commanding the Division:

"Headquarters Couch's Division,"Williamsburg, Va., May 8, 1862.

"Sir, I have the honor to report that at 1 o'clock P.M., 
of May  5, the head of my Division, consisting of Peck's 
Brigade only, arrived on the ground in rear of the center 
of our line of battle, and was by direction of General Keyes,
posted by me supporting him, he being fiercely engaged.  
Peck soon moved forward, and for an hour and a half was 
opposed by nearly the whole of the enemy's disposable force 
in front, covered the assaults of their infantry and cavalry, 
but the determined courage of this Fort Magruder, distant 
400 to 600 yards, with its plunging fire of shells and 
grape gallant officer and the steadiness of his brigade 
foiled all attempts to drive him from the ground.

"The left of the 55th New York was twice forced back, but 
the 93rd Pennsylvania and the 72nd new York Volunteers, 
coming up furiously, recovered the space lost.  ****There 
was very little faltering, and I beg to say to the General 
commanding that I want no higher earthly honor than to be 
the Commander of the First Division of this Corp.  ****The 
list of casualties were:  Peck's Brigade,killed, 18; wounded, 
81; missing, 26.  Deven's Brigade, 1 killed and 2 wounded.
Artillery detachment, 1 wounded.  Total loss, 19 killed, 
84 wounded and 26 missing.


GEN. E. D. Keyes, of the Fourth Army Corps, says:

"About 1 o'clock P.M. Gen. Peck, of couch's Division, 
having passed Casey,arrived at Headquarters, and by direction 
of General Sumner, was thrown into the woods, forward and 
to the left, toward the joint where the battle was raging 
with the utmost fury against Hooker's Division, of 
Heinzelman's Corp.I accompanied General peck's Brigade 
until it entered the woods, but the important directions which 
General Peck in his report says I gave him, had much to do 
with the admirable dispositions afterwards made by him than his 
own coolness and judgment.  During an hour and a half peck's 
Brigade composed of the 55th (Col. De Trobaland) and 62nd 
9Colonel Riker) New York volunteers,and the 93rd 
(Colonel McCarter) 98th (Colonel Ballier), and 102nd 
(Colonel Rowel) Pennsylvania Volunteers, continued to stand 
its ground alone against the furious onslaught of the enemy,
inflicting great loss upon the rebels, and suffering 
comparatively little itself, owing to General Peck's admirable 
disposition of his forces.

"General peck speaks well of the services of these regiments,
and when the ammunition of his own men was exhausted, he 
relieved them with Gen. Deven'sand Gen. Keim's brigades.