Camp ----, Va., June 2, 1862.
CAPTAIN: In compliance with orders received from brigade headquarters on Saturday, May 31, 1862, the Ninety-third Pennsylvania Regiment left their camp at Seven Pines at 1 o'clock p.m. to take position in an open field some 500 yards in advance of their old camp. They were under the command of Col. J. M. McCarter, assisted by Capt. J. E. Arthur as lieutenant-colonel and Adjutant Lewis as major. After the regiment being formed in line of battle, heavy firing was heard on our right. By direction of General Peck three companies of the Ninety-third, under the command of Adjutant Lewis, were posted along by the road to the right of the regiment. From this line a clear view could be had of the clearing in front, together with the woods on the right and left. After a few minutes the entire regiment was ordered to the extreme left of General Casey's division, being compelled to force their way through a thick woods to attain that point.
Upon coming into position, and in fact before the men could be thrown into line, the enemy, who were in overwhelming force in front, opened a heavy fire. This was answered in good style, and evidently with great effect, by the Ninety-third. After holding this position for nearly an hour our regiment was compelled to fall back a distance of 30 yards, where they again opened fire. From skirmishers who had been thrown out from our left we found that the enemy had outflanked us at that point. This was the occasion for the regiment falling back, which we continued to do, fighting at each halt, until the enemy were upon our extreme left. This position was held until the enemy again flanked us on the left, when we retired to a distance of 150 yards to a road running through the woods. The Ninety-third formed on this road to prevent a farther advance of the enemy.
After remaining in this position for some time two regiments of the enemy were seen coming toward our right at a double-quick, and knowing that a force of the enemy was on our left, and General Casey's center falling back at the same time, the Ninety-third were compelled to retire, though in good order, to the position first occupied by them. By direction of General Peck the regiment was placed in line on the left of the One hundred and second Pennsylvania Volunteers on the edge of the woods on the right of the first position. We remained in this position for a short time, engaged in throwing up breastworks of logs and brush as a protection against the enemy's fire, whom we expected every moment to advance from the woods in front. From this position the One hundred and second and Ninety-third Pennsylvania Volunteers were rapidly pushed forward to the right of General Casey's line, being compelled to attain their position to pass through a perfect storm of shell and bullets. Upon attaining their position the Ninety third opened a heavy fire upon the enemy who were in front. At this point the enemy's fire was hotter than at any other along the line. The enemy's force was much larger than our own, and they pushed forward in a most determined manner. The Ninety-third maintained their position until nearly all their ammunition was exhausted, when they were ordered to fall back a short distance to a ravine, where they made another stand, and remained until they expended the remainder of their ammunition. They then very unwillingly retired to the woods, where they took position, being unable to make longer fight except by the bayonet. The remnant of the regiment was formed in the rear of the rifle pits, where they still remain.
During the fight the horse of Colonel McCarter was killed and the colonel himself wounded. General Heintzelman supplied him with a second, which was also shot. He was a second time wounded by a shell from the enemy, and has since been sent home unfit for duty. Adjutant Lewis' horse was also shot under him. One commissioned officer was killed, I mortally wounded, 3 wounded, and I is missing, supposed to have been made prisoner.
The officers and men throughout the regiment displayed great gallantry and are deserving of all praise. Many of our killed and wounded we were compelled to leave on the field, the enemy pushing forward so fast and in such overwhelming numbers that we were unable to get them off. Accompanying is as correct a list of the killed, wounded, and missing as I am able to furnish at present. Parties are now out in search of the bodies of their comrades, and when they report I will be able to give a correct list.(*)
I have the honor to be, &c., your obedient servant,
Captain, Commanding Ninety-third Pennsylvania Vols.
Capt. W. H. MORRIS,
Assistant Adjutant-General, Peck's Brigade.
SOURCE: Official Records of the War of the