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Jacob Rankenberger

Jacob Rankenberger was born in Columbia County Ohio in 1827. (He was the son of a Prussian immigrant. At some point he ended up in Lebanon Country and married a local girl.) He enlisted on September 12, 1861 with Company A, 93 Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He was promoted to Corporal on September 23rd, 1864. He was wounded in action on April 2nd, 1865 during the final assault on Petersburg, VA. I believe you told me your records indicated he was injured at the first battle of Bull Run when a wagon he was driving overturned, breaking his collar bone. He was discharged on June 6th 1865. Jacob was a resident of the Pennsylvania Soldiers and Sailors Home (PSSH) in Erie, PA from August 15th 1888 to October 22nd, 1889. He reentered the home on October 27th, 1892 and passed away there on October 5th, 1893. He is buried, alongside his comrades, at the PSSH.

Image and Information provided by:Mike Matthews
Thank you Mike...

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