Awakened by the heat, sweat glistened from our bodies as we touched, the sky , a virulant orange haze of smog penetrated by a heavy red orb. A cacopheny of sound cut thorugh the humid sky, screaming women, children sobbing, men shouting aloud, I arose. It was, after all, too hot to sleep, too hot to make love, too hot to stay in bed in any case. I reached over to wipe the sweat from his blond locks already plastered to his forehead in spikes, he mumbled something about staying in bed and reached out for me.. I quickly evaded his advances, much to his chagrin.. It really was too hot .. I got up and turned on the air conditioner .. allowing myself to luxurate in the cool breeze. I felt arms encircle me from behind.......
then the phone rang and I woke up..... Damn!
- Coldfyr