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"Love, like fire, cannot subsist without continual motion,
and ceases to exist as soon as it ceases to hope or fear.

La Roche~~

"There is no difficulty ~~ that enough love will not conquer..
No disease ~~ that enough love will not heal..
No door ~~ that enough love will not open..
No gulf ~~ that enough love will not bridge..
No wall ~~ that enough love will not throw down..
No sin ~~ that enough love will not redeem.

It makes no difference.....
How deeply seated may be the trouble~~
How hopeless the outlook~~
How muddled the tangle~~
How great the mistake~~
A sufficient realization of love...
will dissolve it all~~
If only you could love enough~~
You would be the happiest and
most powerful being in the world."

~~Emmet Fox.

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