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I sense an Angel on my shoulder
As I go along my way;
Knowing God is with me ever,
And the Angel's here to stay.
She's with me when I falter,
And when I need help to go on,
She wants me to lift my head, be proud,
Until the job is done.

Our life on earth is a very short span,

Like just a drop in a raging tide,
My Angel will guide me and lead me,
Until I meet God on the other side.
poem sent to me from Sassy

She touched my shoulder
with her frail hand,
why you ask,
because she watches over me!
I feel a peace
when shes around,
and ask for her daily!

Why because you see
God sent her to me,
she has a loving touch and
softly whispers to me,
its ok Patty,
i am here and all is safe !
O i want her near me
for she takes away my fears,
yes my Guardian Angel is

My Mother So Dear!!!!!


My Angel's Story

While alone and extremely sad and crying in the shower,and feeling like there was no hope!
When suddenly a fragrance filled the room,it was my mother's perfume,it smelled so much like she had so many times when she was alive,than it happened ,a touch upon my shoulder,and i knew it was her frail hand and a voice,suddenly said,its ok Patty,i am here and all will be ok,and a peace surrounded me,as never before.

I have never felt her again,but would give anything to have her touch my shoulder again.

I cant explain what happened to me,but i feel,like God sent her to me for that one moment in time,and for that i will always be so grateful!

If you have the opportunity
to be touched by your angel,
enjoy it!!!!!!
I know I have!!!!!!!


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