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Recycled Landscaping Projects From Crafty

I use alot of recycyled items in my projects,i never throw out anything anymore ,maybe these will help others get a few ideas for their own recycable craft projects! Lets Get Crafting!!


Items needed


small sprigs from a lilac bush,Lypodium or Eucalyptus branches,clay pots tiny ones,dried coffee grounds,old wreath or flowers

I placed the branches in little clay pots,and glued to the top and used dried coffee grounds for the dirt,once branch was secure,I hotglued small sections of eucalytus,(mine came from an old wreath)and filled and shaped each branch in the shape of a 4 to 5 inch tree,around the clay pot after i glued it to my board,i made a tiny flower bed,using rocks from my driveway to help anchor the pot to the board,and took different flower sprigs from the wreath.You determine the size of your flower bed!


items needed
4 picture frames(5 by 7),glue for metal,small flowers,milk lids

trim(I used left over wood from the house).wood to fit frames for the base

Glue the picture frames into a square,3 on the outside and one for the top,now cut tiny wood trim to fit over all glued joints,glue on top of wood base,using small trim to help secure it and you now have an instant greenhouse!

6 Small wood pieces about 2 inches long,glued inside around the glass makes shelves to place flowers on ,i made sure the milk lids would fit on each shelve,these milk lids now become planting pots! I painted mine first,color of your choice,used glue and coffee grounds for dirt and placed tiny mini flowers in them,than glued them on the shelves,i took some glue also and placed on the floor of the greenhouse ,making it look like spilled dirt,also dropped a flower bud here and there ,making it look more realistic,than i used bubble wrap and glued from the top under a piece of trim and had an instant door!


Terra cotta or brown modeling clay, take small piece of clay ,roll into small ball and place over the eraser part of a pencil,shape into a small pot,u can take a toothpick and make the lid edges if you want to,now use tacky glue and coffee grounds and place some flowers or stack a few for the look of empty extra pots!


Roll green modeling clay into a small snake ,now when you have it the desired length you prefer ,gently roll into a shape of a rolled up hose,now make the end showing into a small point,ike the tip where the water runs out,and take metalic gold paint and paint this small section,it looks like a instant hose!



like I said i save and use everything,i took peanut shaped styrofoam and glued several into different shapes on a 1 by 2 piece of wood and made the neatest stone wall at the back of the mansion,than took,black,grey,brown and some white paint and painted the wall to resemble stone colors,than i took mini flowers and placed in various spots and some green moss ,making it look like grass and i had an easy,inexpensive brick wall.



Take the lid of an egg carton,cut into several round and oval pieces,paint in stone colors and glue into place ,use some green moss or sand or coffee grounds in between them and you now hav an instant stone path.


Paint a small blue circle on the board,your using for the landscaping,i cut out small tiny fish also from a magazine,glued over the blue,in various spots,now use a clear piece of plastic making the water shine ,fooling the eye is the affect your after,glue over the blue circle and fish,use tiny stones and green moss,for a wall affect and glue around the plastic,and place various mini plants and maybe a small duck in the center of the plastic or a small mini frog on the rocks and another easy to do project is completed.

Well this is a few of my landscaping ideas,will be back to list more as time permits,try them and good luck with all your projects,soon i will add some more ideas for different things for the inside of the mansion i have created also! Remember Crafting is using the imagination and its relaxing and satisfying! SO GET CRAFTING!!!!!!!!

More Of My Mini Houses

The Farm House
The Cabin
The Sweetheart Cottage
The VanBuren
The Newberg
The Tennyson
The Worthington Mansion