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Life's A Journey

updated January 26, 2002
To understand me is to love me! Anyway thats what my family says , sometimes my life revolves like a rollercoaster,up one minute and down the next,but i love living and i love the beauty of simple things,a butterfly,a bird or a waterfall. Things God created can never be measured ,there was no greater creator than God,no one could grow a tree or plant flowers the way he did,or make us all so special in our won little worlds!

My life has been a journey,but it hasn't alway been a sad one! I have known many happy days, and have been blessed with the knowledge of knowing ,God loves me!And he has rescued me from many storms in life and got me through some rocky terrain!

Today I woke up happy, the sun is shining,even tho its winter ,it's been one of the nicest I can recall in so long ,even the winter birds are singing a happy song!I am ever so grateful to be alive and see the beauty,that God created!

Its little things in life that make me happy,a childs smile,a dog wagging its tail,a cat that wants to sit on my lap and a bird that says ,I love you or peek a boo!

I have never been much for expensive things , it takes little to actually please me!

Maybe because growing up ,it was very little that I ever got,but I learnt to appreciate what I got in my life and the ones I loved! Maybe because life did teach me to never take things for granted,they can disappear from us in a second!
Today is a new day,and the sun is shining,and the birds are singing,like they are telling me,trust whom we trust and all will be ok! So I am taking a spiritual journey,and seeing things in a new perspecive! Life isn't a rose garden,it has a few thorns,but I have a purpose to live or I would never have been created!

I have loved this year, I think more than any I can recall for such an awful long time!I finally feel such a peace since my mothers death over 3 years ago and a freedom thats sorta hard for me to explain,maybe because I no longer panic when the phone rings ,thinking something has happened to her ,for now I know she is in the best hands ever and totally out of pain!! I have also found out that being alone ,gives me time to think and I finally see my life as my own and I feel good about that !I think I have became a better wife and mother now and i smile alot more than cry and finally I feel good about me! I have more harmony in my life than ever before and sorta shrug off things that should bother me ,but i just say here God you take it,and solve it,I don't want to ,nor can I! And a peace surrounds me and I am so happy for that!

So I think finally I am on the road to healing ,not that I don't miss my mom,because I do ,more than I can ever say,but I don't miss seeing her suffer and in so much pain and I believe that has helped me to cope faster and when I think of her ,I see in my mind ,her loving smile and how her eyes lit up when she saw me and now I just smile and softly say,I love ya mom! And I feel peace! Thank You GOD!!!

Things must go to sleep for awhile to return in that awesome array of colors we love so much and take for granted ,so its accepting it and moving on . So its onto new things and a new enjoyment for awhile and I know that all will be ok,for I see it in his beauty daily now!

So its time to kick myself and wake myself up,let the earth go dormant but not the living soul within me! I love life and my family and friends to much to go back to where I have been living!!Yes, I am finally alive inside again and loving it!!