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This is my first attempt with a digital camera ,so not all flowers are as clear as I wanted ,but I sure gave it a try!!

This is the front view of my home. The flowers surround this big old farm home!I have 16 flower beds covered with flowers, I have babied and enjoyed this year!I often sit in my chair and enjoy their beauty and the peace I feel inside is just more than i can place into words!! I have always wanted a big flower garden and this year I went for it. I hope you enjoy the flowers!

In the bed below,grows multiple Zinnias,a Hollyhock,numerous Marigolds,Forget Me Nots, Forever Plants,Begonias,Bachelor Buttons,Goldenstein,Rose Moss,Geraniums,Pansies and 2 peach,2 red,3pink,and a yellow and orange Rose bush,since roses are and always will be my favorite flower and numerous colored Impatients line the beds border!This bed was an experiment for me ,trying so many varieties within it,but now all my beds have numerous different types growing in them and giving me so much enjoyment ,that sometimes I think my family thinks I have gone flower nuts,but I love them and hope you do to!!

This bed is on the side of my house,and there is a major sticker plant lying behind these beauties!! I have taken salvias and placed to the back,purple and red ones and in front of those ,lie purple and yellow pansies,along with some marigolds and some smaller ziinias ,I found at my local nursery,close to my home, and in front lies a blanket of impatients in numerous colors! There is a beautiful pink rose starting this bed and there is a Pearl,Bleeding Heart ,and Babies Breath,and an Oregano plant also! I have placed some Snapdragons ,Geraniums,Begonias and more Marigolds and Impatients on the right side,This Bed covers the entire left side of my house starting from my stairs ,on the other side of my stairs is another big bed of flowers,leaving so much color for anyone that comes down my road to see!! All of my house has a bed of flowers surrounding it!! I left nothing bare!! Yes I love flowers!

This bed sits to the right of my back door,I have pink and red Begonias and Marigolds and some feverfeurs,2 oregano plants and a yellow rocket plant ,at the time of this photo was just getting ready to bloom!

Small yellow and red Cosmos called Lady birds surround the right side of this old tree trunk,the larger plants are Four O'Clocks in many colors, Rose Moss in yellows,pinks and white grow in the container at the top ,along with some Sweet Peas,and a Vinca plant! Soon the Four O'clocks will be covering the front of the trunk and it will be nothing but wonderful color surrounding it!

Soon I will add more pictures and a few links to my favorite garden sites! Thanks for stopping by!


Garden Sites

Rebecca Gardening
Names Of My Flowers
Garden Of Wonders