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Crafty' 's Home On The Web


All About Me

Born and raised in Illinois,i am the only girl of seven kids
born to Marge and Harley.
I was the fifth child
with red hair and blue eyes!
And yes,i was a big tom boy,
climbing trees and playing baseball
was alot more fun than sitting
alone playing with dolls!! ha
but i had alot of those
also in my lifetime.
I now collect procelain dolls
and love those!
My mom liked me dressed in frilly things
but i love my blue jeans and an old sweatshirt
and old tennis shoes
and thats the way anyone meeting me
today will find me!

But I am not spoiled in anyway
except by my hubby,
who i love very much and
have now for over 38 years.
We raised threee pretty great kids
if i do say so myself!(HA)
And we are the proud grandparents
of 7 beautiful girls
and 2 darling little boys!
You can read all about them on my family pages.

I sorta got my computer by accident,
buying one for my husband turned out
to be my most loved toy!!
And sometimes ,i think it has kept me sane!

I craft alot,always making things
and getting the pleasure of displaying
it in my home,
i am a simple gal with simple needs,
i dont want fancy things ,
just peace and happiness and
God has brought me a lot of that.

I never worked much outside the home,
only in a toy store,a pet shop and a furniture factory,
but i have done flea markets and raised birds ,
a hobby ,at times i really miss,
i love animals and nature.
And i love life and this computer named(Baby)!

I am always changing
and adding things
to this site,
so come back often,,
you just never know
what you just might find!

I am a country girl at heart,
and some of the graphics
you will find are country,whimsical and animated!
I love a variety of items,
so please sit back and enjoy yourself
and sign my guestbook
at Crafty's Place!

And remember for every heartache,
something new comes along
to help us cope with our lives!
This computer has helped me alot,
so go now and click,
on more of my sites and enjoy!
This Page has all the links
to my site listed below on it!!

UPDATED May 2008


My Mom
My Dad

Eagle's World


Kathy;s Rosaries

My Family

Wolfies Graphic's
My Miniature House's


Together Again
My Brother's

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