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They were married March20,1940 and ate a bologna sandwich and a can of pop for their wedding dinner,and enjoyed it on the courthouse steps in southern Illinois!

They were both young and in love! She was only 15 and he was 26 but they adored each other and wanted to spend their lives together!

He was a bit wild and she just wanted to be with him! He was a hard worker,and found jobs where ever he could!He was one of the greatest men ,I have ever known in my life!He never wanted to grow old,but time took its toll on him and he became sick!It was really sad watching this once strong man,go down to a little frail man! It was hard watching him try to breath,he had emphyzema! Even tho he had quit smoking 10 years pryer ,it weakened his lungs and he suffered ,long days on oxygen all the time!He died October 7,1993,on a cold rainy dark night. He had held on to his faith for a miracle from God,and that night,as hard as it was to give him up. I think he finally got his miracle! NO more pain and no more suffering!I was his little girl and will forever miss him!

They had 7 kids together and were married for over 53 years! When he died,her life was never the same! She spent alot of hours going through her past life and she shed an awful lot of tears for him!

She was a very strong woman,her and him had buried 3 sons,in their lifetime together and had kept the other going! She had a sad life,her mother died when she was 4 and she was the only survivor in a bad car wreck at 13,killing her father and uncle! She was her daddys little girl! Her sister Grace was raised by aunts and the 2 sisters weren't real close til later in life! So she had him and she placed her life around her children! And they both loved God .

She knew alot of illnesses in her lifetime, and it seemed ,she was always in and out of hospitals,but he was there and he took care of her and they were together,so it got them through a lifetime of sadness and joys!

She also suffered before she went to heaven! She had congestive heart failure,diabetes,Osteoporosis and emphyzema and was on oxygen all the time,her hip had been broken years earlier,so she had been in a wheelchair,long before he died,but she,had a way about her,that cheered others up and made people just adore her!

She went to be with him December 10,1998 ,it was a cold day,but the sun was shining and it seemed that God was there in that hospital room,that moment she died! And her prayers of going peacefully was answered!I was her little girl also !

I miss them both,it was hard to give them up but today they are together again!And her wishes to have that on their tombstone was granted!





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