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My Standing Angels...Page 2

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Hope is the fourth Angel I made.
As I was making her I got a strange feeling.
When I saw her dressed in black I had the mixed feelings of sadness and joy.
The black gave me this kind of sad, depressed feeling but I also had an overwhelming feeling that no matter what ever happens in life there is always Hope
So that is how she got her name.


Pearl was actually my sixth Angel, but the fifth Standing Angel.
Up until Her, I had made all the wings with material coverings.
I decided to try something esle on the wings for her.
I started to paint them in gold but for some strange reason ended up picking up a pearly glaze halfway through.
I didn't notice until I had already started to stroke on the paint over some of the gold that was already there.
I thought I had ruined the wings until I really looked at them with that pearly glow.
Of course that is how Pearl was born


Maria was my eighth Angel.
She started out to be a southwest design but ended up like this.
As I was making her I got the feeling that I should make her for my sister, Maria.
I knew that my sister's favorite color was Blue and that she liked lace.
Just the day before I had found this beautiful metallic blue material and some old lace.
I just started working and there she was, Maria, in all her beautiful blue glory.
The only name that fit was my sister's, and that is how she came to be.

If you would like to see more of my latest Angels, please follow the links to some of my other pages

My Other Pages

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