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My Standing Angels...Page 3

Welcome to my online photo album.


Josephine was my ninth Angel.
She was made as a special gift for my Mother-in-law.
I liked her so much when she was finished that I just had to make more.
She seemed to be the favorite of so many people that I decided to make several more for Christmas gifts.
Since they were going to be family gifts I had to make her in different colors.
So far I havn't found any color that she doesn't look good in.


Elsie was my tenth Angel and also very special for me.
I see her as a message from my Uncle Harry who had passed away.
As I have explained, my Angels are the product of my dreams.
One night I kept dreaming about sewing and seeing someone drawing a pair of scissors.
Within the same dream I kept seeing my Uncle Harry and my Aunt Elsie.
I remember my Aunt always sewing something, constantly at the sewing machine, or cutting a pattern out.
When I woke up I realized that I was supposed to make an Angel with the scissor design incorporated in her dress.
The original Elsie Angel was done in light green with two hearts, that look hand stitched, hanging from her hands.
But since my Aunt loves the color red, and I havn't seen her sewing in years, I decided to change her around a little and removed the hearts.
I don't think she minded at all.


Dora was my Angel number twelve.
Up to this point I hadn't made any Angels in this color.
Purple is not one of my favorite colors but my daughter loves it.
We were out one day and she saw this bright material and insisted I buy it for my Angels.
I was having a hard time picturing Dora in any color at all so I decided to just use the material I had purchased with my daughter.
I guess Dora must have whispered to my daughter that she liked that color because she came out just fine.
As a matter of fact, since then, I have made several for friends and family in different shades of the same color.
I have found out that there are many people out there that just love the color purple.

If you would like to see more of my latest Angels, please follow the links to some of my other pages

My Other Pages

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