My Whimsical Angels
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Meet Rex
Rex was my first Whimsical Angel
This picture is a little blurry but you may be able to make out that he is a Gingham Dog.
I had a dream about him one night after I had talked to a friend.
He told me that his wife was going to have a baby.
Rex is not completely all my design but rather an adaptation from a Pat Olsen pattern.
This is Cleo the Calico Cat
Until she came along none of my Angels had ever given me any trouble at all. But Cleo was another story all together. She has a funny and touching tale to tell.
She was born on the day after a dear friend's beautiful cat, Mohawk, died unexpectedly. I know this friend from a chat room and have gotten very close to her. I actually had started Cleo on the day Mohawk died not knowing the circumstances but put it off finishing her for some unknown reason.
The next morning, after finishing her with much trouble, I decided that I needed a break from this pesty little Angel so I decided to chat for a while. That is when I found out the sad news. It just so happened that my friend was in the room and told me what had happened.
I knew she was very depressed and after talking with her privately for a while I decided to ask her if her dear Mohawk was a little trickster. She told me that his nickname was Brat Cat. I just had to laugh.
I then told her how I had been working on Cleo and everything that could go wrong did. Everyting from the wings and head falling off to getting a screwdriver stuck in her neck.
By the time I was done telling her we were both laughing and sure that it had to be Mohawk playing games with me as a way of telling my friend that he was fine and not to worry.
She still gets little messages every now and then that let us know he is watching over her. Like the time she was on a business trip and found the last little Cat Angel pin in a bunch of other pins. Or the time she went into a pet store and fell in love with a little kitten.
Bet you can guess what her name was.
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