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This page is dedicated to Angel, the cryptic vampire with a soul on Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. David Boreanaz played him on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and left the show to begin his own series, Angel. The new series will premiere in the new Fall lineup for the WB.It will on at 9:00 after Buffy. He has many websites dedicated to him and this will someday become one of the best. Here is a lineup of what is to come to this webpage:Spoilers and Fanfiction. This site is partially new, and it is updated very often.

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What do you think of the new Angel Series?

Yay! More Angel!
It's ok, i guess.
It'l be sucky!

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This Site Is Not Official, just a fan site, and I do not take ownership to any of the pictures, they belong to 20th Century Fox.
