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Angel's Hair & How he has changed

Here is a page about Angel's hair and other stuff. His hair has changed since the first season and so has his personality. First season:

He was the cryptic guy who appeared out of nowhere to give Buffy a cross necklace, which later in the ep saved her life. He and Buffy kissed some, he was basically not part of the group yet.
Pic of First Season Angel:

Angel in second season:
Angel is snubbed by Buffy in the second season premiere. She is cold to him and then eventually breaks down and finds comfort in him. Basically 'till Suprise all they do is make out really bad. Then in Suprise, Buffy makes Angel lose his soul by giving him happiness.(you all know how that happened, don't you?) Then Angel reverted to Angelus, killed Jenny Calender, a gypsy spy, then he regains his soul and Buffy has to send him to hell.
Angel in Second Season: