1:1So much construct believed in, 1:2this gives the apparent mass power - 1:3the centre could not hold if it were e'er seen that what we believe is what we get. 1:4We don't want to believe that the collective We created this Hell we call existence...
2:1Funny thing Hell - 2:2the origin of the word comes from Hel, 2:3which was not such a bad lady, 2:4just the death and the life, 2:5the natural cycles personified (or godified if you prefer) -
3:1Hell is what you make it... 3:2or it is what you make when you refuse to listen to what you could be making... 3:3Falling short of your own inner potential for growth, 3:4the seedlings curls up and sinks its roots deeper, 3:5looking for a direction in which to grow.
4:1Someday I hope to remember the Unity from whence we sprang, 4:2until then it is all Others and Thems and Those Who Are Not Ourselves.... 4:3For such a smart species, we sure do know how to write a painful play.
5:1Peace Be ~
5:2Eris de Suzerain