For those of you who haven't been included in the Flavour of the Week Mailing, this is especially for you, dammit and you will like it. So spoke the Great Celestrial WeeSaul.
To every thing, turn! turn! turn!
There is a season, turn! turn! turn!
As Fall quickly approaches (at least in my corner of the planet) and the temperature isn't what it was only weeks ago, I keep thinkin' about this bein' the dying season...
Though I realise that most of the things don't actually die, they are just preparing themselves for Winter but I just have that thought runnin' through the ole weebrain, everything is dying, decaying (except for evergreens which are a different matter altogether and one which hasn't even remotely crossed the empty spaces between my ears so I shall not bring it up at this time but I shall reserve the right to bring it up at a later time if the notion ever does actually cross my mind, thank you for your time and attention to this matter of grave importance)...
But Fall has that feel of decay about it, know what I mean? (for those of you who don't actually have seasons, sorry, you should really more north or south which ever the case may be and experience them first hand)...
The winds o' change are a-blowin' and I'm having trouble adjusting to it all...
And a time to every purpose under Heaven...
Alas, Wee shall weep quietly and without remorse...
"Prolonging the Magic" by Cake
When you sleep...
Where do your fingers go?
What do your fingers know?
Let's ask 'em...
Edy's Dreamery
Chocolate Peanut Butter Chunk
Chocolate and peanut butter?
That's totally unheard of...
Due to international viewing of this feature
Remember all brands and/or flavours are
NOT available everywhere!
Ben & Jerry’s |
Häagen-Dazs |
Breyer’s |
Dreyer’s |
Edy's Dreamery |
Godiva |