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Flavour of the Week

Week of March 18th

For those of you who haven't been included in the Flavour of the Week Mailing, this is especially for you, dammit and you will like it. So spoke the Great Celestrial WeeSaul.

(Ain't there supposed to be sumpin' here?)

Stopped into a church, I passed along the way...

Well, I got down on my knees and I pretend to pray...

My sinuses! how I wish I could breath...

"Just that time of the year, bay-bee..."

Yep, whatever...

But other than that, I'm doin' fine...

How's it witchew?

Having come to the conclusion that I no longer like the format of the WeeWorld micro-site, I'm workin' to do away with it especially the Flash menues (just in case anyone was curious as to what I was doin' in my free time)...

Gonna be a while 'til it's up since there is an ungodly number of page associated with the micro-site...

Other than that, I ain't been doin' much...

You know the preacher likes the cold...

He knows I'm gonna stay...

California dreamin' on such a winter's day...

Fare thee well, Pappa John...

Painful Thingie of the Week:

The Dentist...
"Well, Mr. Great Celestrial AntPerson, you have a small cavity right here...
Let me take this sharp pointy thingie and dig around in it a bit..."

CD of the Week:
Special Edition

This week and maybe for some weeks to follow, I gonna make folks who sent me promo's the featured artist(s)...
I likes free stuff...
Visit them at:

Flavour of the Week:

Ben & Jerry's
Peanut Turtles
I know what sea turtles are and what green turtles are and snappin' turtles but...
Ain't gotta clue as to peanut turtles...

Due to international viewing of this feature
Remember all brands and/or flavours are
NOT available everywhere!

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Ben & Jerry’s




Edy's Dreamery


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