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Flavour of the Week

Week of August 5th

For those of you who haven't been included in the Flavour of the Week Mailing, this is especially for you, dammit and you will like it. So spoke the Great Celestrial WeeSaul.


Guess I have to write something in the space provided...

Workin', I've been workin' in a coal mine...

No, that's silly...

For the most part, it has been a rather productive week, bravo. The WS Design re-designed site is coming along well and I've been doin' some experimentation with some software provided to me for I am "active" in the industry...

Don't know what I shall do with my new found knowledge base but I have it none the less...

On a personal note, I am all burned-out at the moment and am in serious need of a holiday...

On a local note, me mum is marching in a parade this weekend (strange but true)...

On a global note, the end of the world hasn't (I REPEAT, HAS NOT) happened yet but since I am typing this in advance, it may just have happened but at this point it has not happened as of yet, K?

On a universal note, things are expanding as planned...


Guess I actually have to write something in the space provided...


The End, thank you all so very much and feel free to stop back anytime...

SPECIAL NOTE TO ALL THE TECHIES: anyone have WAP capibilities? If so, could ya check out (may or may not work):

Holiday of the Week:

August 7 (or 7 August for those who will yell at me)
Picnic Day!
For any and all those who live in the Northern Territory, AU...
Have a merry one...

CD of the Week:

"Death Rides a Pale Cow" by the Dead Milkmen
I walk the thinnest line...
I walk the thinnest line...
uuuummmmmm, I fergits...
You know Stuart, I like you...

Flavour of the Week:

Ben & Jerry's
Cherry Garcia
Which may be safe to feed to cats...

Due to international viewing of this feature
Remember all brands and/or flavours are
NOT available everywhere!

Bookmark this page now!

Ben & Jerry’s




Edy's Dreamery


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Please be sure to include your entire e-mail address for the consumption of ice cream does not grant me the ability to read peoples' minds, K?

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