For those of you who haven't been included in the Flavour of the Week Mailing, this is especially for you, dammit and you will like it. So spoke the Great Celestrial WeeSaul.
Did I mention that I have a post hole digger?
In addition to my shovel which is a nice shovel indeed, I have a post hole digger...
And I know how to use it, baby...
Gonna dig me some post holes, good thing I didn't purchase a pre-hole digger, hehehehe...
This is the reality in which I live and I share with the world...
Thank you all so very much...
And now back to the nutty, mad-capped mayhem...
K! A couple (as in two) of things y'all need to know...
(insert spooky melodramatic music here)
Number One: for there must always be a first item in a group of items in this case Wee shall call it "Number One". Any questions?
Number Two: the number of the ordered items in which this one follows the Number One...
Number Three: three is a magic number and number in which I actually start the list of important thingies...
Number Three v2.0: the most important thingie that I have to type about is the fact that there will more than likely be no mailing next week since I shall be taking a working vacation, understood? And don't cry to me about it (those of you who feel the need to bug me with trivial thingies such as speeling errors or weeks when I don't actually send one of these here thingies to ya since I am feeble-minded and a raving looney to boot so to speak and a long-winded bastard who at times will type many, many words and actually say absolutely nothing but who cares enough about y'all to sent extra long mailings at times when I know that I shall not be sending one out the following week or on those rare occasions when I actually do forget to mail one of these here thingies to ya in the mail of sorts, hhhhhhhmmmmm, I was going somewhere with that but I'll be damned (just for you here's a love song, hehehe, mystic-cryptic joke which made me giggle)), well, last passenger has exitted the train of thought, next stop, Number Four...
Number Four: something for y'all to think about (and if I get a few responses, I shall actually do something about it), gonna put a mailing/e-zine page on the site (really to have an excuse to get rid of the big gaudy Flavour of the Week button but I do nothing the easy way) and if you or your organization or company, etc. has one of them thingies and wants a link on my site let me know the subscription info, etc. and I'll make ya up a button (I have a vision, sorry, no "other" buttons will be excepted but I have been known to change my mind about stuff) and put it on the page but this is a limitted time offer and subject to chance without notice, void where prohibitted by law, and other groovy stuff...
"Do unicorns poop?"
Yes, my dear, that is why one should tread lightly in the Enchanted Forest...
"Scarecrow" by John Cougar Mellencamp
"Been watchin' the Wizard of Oz again, aint' ya?"
Not again?!?!?!?!
Make me stop!!!!
White Chocolate Raspberry
As recommended by the Associate AntiCrust...
And good eatin', too...
Due to international viewing of this feature
Remember all brands and/or flavours are
NOT available everywhere!
Ben & Jerry’s |
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Häagen-Dazs |
Breyer’s |
Dreyer’s |
Edy's Dreamery |
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Godiva |