For those of you who haven't been included in the Flavour of the Week Mailing, this is especially for you, dammit and you will like it. So spoke the Great Celestrial WeeSaul.
Nothin' but rain...
Not a good rain either since it's too cold to go out and enjoy it...
Days upon days of rain...
Gotta build me an ark, baby...
Gentlemen start yer engines...
Hair cut or not... I was gonna hold out 'til I lifted my self-imposed sorta exile but now it just buggin' me...
"Live Noise" by Moxy Früvous Though the Great Celestrial One can not drink to "The Drinking Song", gets him all choked up and such...
Häagen-Dazs Limited Edition Chocolate Caramel Get 'em before they're gone...
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