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Expulsion Transcript

Expelled Student: did you get it
Other Student: no
ES: do you know what i'm talking about
OS: what are you talking about
ES: dammit [OS}
OS: that riddle? no
ES: no not that
OS: then what
ES: hang on
ES: did you get it then?
OS: what
ES: shit
ES: dammit why won't htis work
OS: couldn;t tell you
ES: was that you
OS: what
ES: someone warned me [warning is a function on Instant Messenger where one user can anonymously and instantly log complaints againts another user for violations such as inapporpriate language or harassment.]
OS: nope
ES: fucking [student #1] i am going to punch him and run [this is a reference to warning]
OS: shut up [student #1] is the man
ES: no he's not he is a fucking idiot
OS: sorry you are wrong on that one
ES: no he is the dumbest kid in the world
ES: god he pisses me off
OS: how [student #1] is like the nicest kid in the world
ES: he means well but he is so annoying
ES: not that i have a place to talk
ES: but he is very very very annoying
OS: i dont see how he is annoying
ES: he just does stupid things and thinks he is so funny and then he gets this dumbass smile on his face because he is so satisfied with himself
OS: ok
OS: it doesn't bother me
ES: and then he goes and warns me not that it really afects me but he
is probably laughing himself silly
OS: so let him have his fun
ES: it's just sooooooo dumb it isn't the least bit funny
OS: ok
ES: it just annoys me that he gets his jollies in such dumbass ways
ES: how can someone be amused by such simple and stupid and annoying things
OS: apparently very easily
ES: i can't believe that doesn't annoy you
OS: i dont notice it
ES: i just get so annoyed when he smiles like that and his mouth is
like a foot wide and his eyes are like scrunched in he looks so dumb
OS: i think you dont like people to be happy
ES: no that's not it
ES: i just don't want people to be happy if it is A: unbeneficial to me
B: If they are stupid C: If the thing that makes them happy is stupid D: If they are annoying about it and E: If they are happy as a result of my annoyance, anger, rage ...
ES: and F: If i don't like the person for any other reason
OS: i can understand A,D,E,F but i dont see who you are to decide what is stupid
ES: because i am intelligent
ES: the intelligent people decide what is stupid
OS: there are a lot of intelligent people
OS: not all of them agree with you
ES: so they decide what is stupid
ES: yes they do
ES: truly intelligent people will not be amused by stupid things
OS: sorry [expelled student] its not simple
ES: it is to me
ES: you don't find it stupid that [student #1] thought it would be so funny to warn me before he got off (an anonymous warn, by the way, to make it a little more for me, and thus add to his enjoyment)
OS: i think it is kind of funny actually
ES: but the thing is that it doesn't even anger me that much, i am just angry because he is amused
ES: how is that funny though?
OS: you shouldn't be angry that people are amused
ES: i am if it is stupid
OS: ok
ES: and you should be too
OS: i dont think you should be telling me what i should and should not be doing
ES: yes i should
ES: i am the only one with any sense as to what is right and what is wrong
OS: i think i can decide that for myself
ES: and it is wrong for you not to be annoyed at [student #1]
OS: what are you talking about
ES: you obviously can't because you have chosen what is wrong
OS: what have i chosen that is wrong
ES: not to be annoyed at [student #1]
ES: and stupidity in general
ES: are you annoyed at [student #2]?
OS: not particularly
ES: : now you are
OS: why
ES: you should be annoyed at him
OS: why
ES: because he is stupid
ES: he is special the other way
ES: i am special because i am smart
ES: [student #2] is special because he is stupid
OS: he is not that dumb
ES: haha
ES: are you kidding?
OS: he hasn't seemed that dumb when i have talked to him
ES: he is one of the five stupidest people i have ever met
ES: near the top of the list
ES: maybe number one
ES: believe me he is dumb as bricks
ES: he is painfully stupid
OS: well if he is im sure i will notice it soon
ES: what about [student #3]
ES: doesn't he annoy you?
OS: not particularly
ES: you do know that he is quite stupid, right?
OS: i really haven't noticed
ES: freshman year, he raised his hand in science class and asked the
question "Why do stars have five points?”
ES: and no, he wasn't joking
OS: well that is pretty dumb
ES: and he is also unable to conceptualize that when a person is in the southern hemisphere, they are not upside down
ES: [student #2] and [student #3] are the simple sons
OS: well they are in comparison to someone in the northern hemisphere
ES: [Other Student] ...
OS: upside down i mean
OS: if you are on exactly opposite points on the planet
ES: : i see your point but he cannot visualize a person below the equator
not being upside down, as in not with their hair up, not with all of the blood rushing to their head
ES: not with things falling off the ground into the sky
OS: ok well that is pretty dumb
ES: if we eliminated all of the stupid people and the crazy people and
the short people we would all be a lot better off
ES: forget the short people they can stay
OS: yeah except that would be genocide
ES: no no no
ES: not if the stupid people were being detromental to society
ES: then it would be ok
OS: i dont think the stupid people would agree with that
ES: who cares?
ES: they don't know what is going on anyway
OS: i dont think they are that stupid
ES: they are off thinking about gum drops and lollypops
OS: haha
ES: the stupid people wouldn't have a say
ES: because if they are stupid then what they have to say shouldn't be considered anyway
ES: only the smart people will have anything smart to say
OS: they aren't so stupid as to not have any common sense
ES: some are
ES: most
OS: i think they would probobly object to being killed off
ES: we kill off chickens and cows so that we can eat them and survive, it's the same thing
ES: we kill off the stupid and crazy people so they don't collapse our civilization
ES: it is still to help us
ES: therefore it is justified by nature
ES: they will be poorly equipped for life anyway
ES: why make them suffer
ES: they are still human
ES: overall they are harming us, indirectly, so it would help us to get rid of them
OS: ok what if they wanted to get rid of you, would that be justified
ES: no
ES: because i am not detromental to society
ES: i am concious of the woes of society, and i wouldn't do anything to further them
OS: that depends on the type of society you are looking for
OS: who is to say it is better to be smart
ES: i am concious of pollution, and all of the other problems that are eventually going to lead to the destruciton of the world (mark my words) and if anything i will be beneficial to society
ES: i am
ES: becaues i am smart
ES: it can't be too much fun for [student #2] not to be able to understand his surroundings
ES: not ot be able to compute the simplest of things
OS: i think he can understand his surroundings well enough
ES: no he can't
ES: he is an idiot
ES: he was gypped by god
ES: jipped
ES: jypped
ES: i don't know
ES: i hope you are not going to argue that it is better to be stupid
ES: it is so rewarding to be able to understand complex things, you should know that
OS: ignorance is bliss
ES: who said that by the way
ES: they were probably stupid
OS: you dont have any right to judge other people
ES: and ignorance is different than stupidity anyway
ES: yes i do
ES: i have every right
ES: and so do stupid people
ES: except that they are wrong
ES: and i am right
ES: i have every right to my opinion, about other people or whatever everyone does
ES: it's just that if your opinion is different than mine, your opinion is wrong
OS: what gives you the right to decide that
ES: god
ES: why don't i ahve the right ot decide that?
ES: i can decide anything i want
ES: because i am human
ES: i have the right to my own thoughts
ES: and if i want to decide something, it is my right
ES: and since i am intelligent, i am right
OS: ok so what if a stupid person was to decide you are wrong
ES: highly intelligent that is
OS: they have the right to their opinions too
ES: but that person would be stupid so they would be wrong
OS: not necessarily
ES: yes, they do
ES: but they are wrong
ES: [OS], there are times that i will be wrong, like the time that i thought that IQs went on college transcripts.
ES: i was wrong there
ES: but i am not wrong here
ES: i am right here
ES: just trust me on this one
OS: what am i trustin you on exactly?
ES: that i am right
OS: about what specifically
ES: that stupid people should be banished or killed or enslaved or something
ES: and that stupid people are annoying
ES: and that [student #1] is stupid and annoying
OS: i dont think i agree that stupid people should be killed ES: well you are wrong there
ES: this is one of the times that you are wrong and i am right
OS: ok so what if my iq was higher than yours, would that mean that you are wrong
ES: no
OS: so why are you right and i am wrong
ES: why are you questioning me? we already established that i am right
OS: no you said you are right because you are intelligent, so what if someone more intelligent than you disagrees with you
ES: you woudl be right if we were speaking german and playing basketball
ES: but not here
ES: then they are obviously not more intelligent
ES: and perhaps in certain situations i may be wrong
ES: but i am not wrong here
ES: so what is your iq
OS: even if the smartest poeple on the planet were to disagree with you on this you would still be right
ES: yes
ES: now you are getting it
OS: and why is that
ES: but we are both geniuses so it surprises me that we do not meet eye to eye on this
ES: uuuggghhh...
ES: because i am right
ES: i don't really htink that they should be killed, but they are quite annoying
ES: and i want nothing to do with them
ES: but crazy people ... that's another story
ES: nothing annoys me more than hearing about [student #2]’s antics
ES: i mean if they are nice and they are stupid, that is one thing, then they may have something else to offer society, but otherwise they are completely nugatory, as [yet another student] likes to say
OS: ok [Expelled Student]
ES: look, i am right, and you are wrong
ES: can we agree on that?
ES: yes?
ES: good
ES: bye

Again, I had mixed feelings in making this available, which is why it isn’t in the actual print zine. I hope the conversation between Jon and I explains my desicion. I would like to close by saying I feel sorry for the expelled student and his family, I feel sorry for the other student in the conversation, I feel sorry for the students mentioned in the conversation, I feel sorry for the school, and if there are any reprecussions for posting this I’ll feel sorry for myself. Yes, this is one sorry affair.