Several Nonsensical Letters Addressed to My Heart In a Vain Attempt to Communicate With Myself
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Several Nonsensical Letters Addressed to My Heart In a Vain Attempt to Communicate With Myself

"The fisherman know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore."
-Vincent van Gogh

Funny how that works sometimes, you read a quote and it changes your opinion on everything. So scared, hide in your corner, don't take chances, oh, what if -- But there is no if. Things just are! But it might not -- Well, either it does or not, either way there's no might. Better to know for sure than keep these "back and forth" words in your mind. That was probably confusing. Oh well.

One little peacock on the hill. Beautiful peacock, perfect peacock, splendid peacock, godly peacock. Lonely peacock. Two little moles on the hill. Ugly moles, ignorant moles, hated moles, dispicable moles. Happy moles. How to live then? Strive for perfection and, falling short, be content knowing you came the closest you could? Or just be happy with what you have, live with what you are given, and let it all come to you? Is there a middle road, the difficult one? Are we all trying for this one? Does it exist?

"If love be good, whence cometh my woe?"
-Geoffrey Chaucer
"No sooner met but they looked, no sooner looked but they loved, no sooner loved but they sighed, no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason."
"Might as well try to drink the ocean with a spoon as argue reason with a lover."
-Stephen King
"I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do something I can do."
-Helen Keller

A mumble of a jumble of a confusion of a hodge podge of a mixture of a mingling of things so opposing you just look and you grin and you say "Hey, that's me," but hey, that's everybody, no one's as alone as most think they are. So difficult then, to apply, the logic, but it's there, and then the path is clearer and it all makes sense and bang, extinction. "What?" you say, and it ceases to agree with your theories, and life is confusing once more, but always the omnipresent bond, the sense that all are fighting together, one endless battle, Valhalla, with punishment the Skuldworld. Hah! Translate that, friends, and you get the award.

"Your teeth are okay but your gums have to come out."
-Parke Godwin
"Truth suffers from too much analysis."
-Frank Herbert
"But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; tread softly because you tread on my dreams."

Thinking of how much I think of how much I can't think about because I don't know it yet! So scary, the immense amount I can NEVER know. No time. Little life. So scary, intimidation, learn it all, learn it fast, and then be satisfied. Immortality? What does it matter if you leave behind even a single thought that someone else reads and enjoys later. Make a new word, think a new thought, write it down, instant immortality. Knowledge is good! Knowledge is life! I loved so many so far; knowing that will help me to love others better. Everything reflects, confusion pinning down my love and my knowledge chasing the confusion away, freeing the little red rays of goodness to do what they will. And I love so freely now! Give me a chance, I will love you even if I do not yet. That's how I am. Hate? Hah! No time for hate if you love enough! And it's all in knowing yourself, knowing truths, knowing life. There is no bad knowledge, at least no bad true knowledge.

"To the ignorant even the words of the wise seem foolishness."
"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a mind without moon or stars."
"There is no darkness but ignorance."
"I can't believe it"..."That is why you fail"
-Luke Skywalker/Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back
"Knowledge is power."
-Francis Bacon
"Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it while young, it will give us no shade when we grow old."
-Lord Chesterfield
