Welcome, boys and girls, to the 6th dimension where things get rough. Few have ever ventured to our land, and those who do are aways changed.
For example, in the 1970's, an average family in Venice, California lived in a poor, ill-maintained home. Little did they know when they bought the place, but a door to the 6th dimension was located in their basement...
Sounds like the plot to a cheap interesting movie, don't you agree? You'd better, cause it contains some of the best songs of all time that are just plain addicting once you listen to them! Songs like Squeezit the Moocher, The Queen's Revenge, and The Alphabet Song just stick in your head all day long till you wanna scream or just start singing aloud. Usually its the second choice for me, but anyways....
Here is my pathetic attempt to do the no-budget movie justice. All of my pics were stolen from other peoples sites, so if you want credit that I forgot to give you, email me. Otherwise...
Ode to Queen Doris
Why women should believe in bras{Coming soon}
My pathetic 2 Midi's from the movie! Wah!
Squeezit The Moocher
Forbidden Zone
Places you should go before I kill you
This is the place I stole most of the pics from. He's a really nice man and you should go see his site. Really. I'm not kidding you on this.
A place that doesn't always work but if you manage to get to it, has kick ass backgrounds!
Go back to my beautiful Webpage!