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Beer Pong Rules Page

This is the rules page. There are many different formats for beer pong, but I am going to use the one me and my friends use.

To play beer pong, you need the proper equipment. You will need tweleve Dixie (or any kind of 16 oz) cups, two smaller plastic cups filled with water, two (or, if need be, one) Wilson Ping Pong balls (official balls of the Quad County Beer Pong Federation) and a long table. The table has to be longer than six feet and be at least three and three quarters feet up from the ground. The basic table is the kind you find in schools or church basements and whatnot.

First, align the cups, six on each end of the table. Align them in a pyramid formation (one in front, two in the middle, three in the back row havign them touch each other). Fill each cup a quarter of the way(or half way if you so desire) with the brew of choice. We recommend a cheap beer for this as using an expensive brew will raise the cost and piss alot of peopel who paid for it off. Some choice brands are Ice House, Red Dog, Beast, Beast Ice, Sierra, etc. With two teams of two players each on either end of the table, each team takes a ball. One person from each team takes the ball, looks the other person on the other team in the eye, and they each throw at the same time. The team who made that ball goes first. The cup that the ball ended up in must be drank. The rack of cups must then be fixed. The order now goes one-two-two. The two members of the team that made the first shot each shoot one of the balls. Every cup made must be drank by the opposing team. if both members make it, they get to go again and keep going until the second shooters miss. then the other team gets to go. The two water cups are their to clean off any dirt from the ball in the event it bounces off the table or you just want a better grip on the ball. Basically, you go until you miss!

Being as the cups are round, balls sometimes have a tendncey to move around the inside of the cupo before hitting the beer. A player on the defensive team may attempt to blow the ball out BEFORE it touches the beer. However, this is only allowed when clear cups are used; opaque cups are not subject to this. Also, if a player should happen to knock a cup over, whether it be shooting, pouring, moving, or just moving past the table, that team must drink that beer and another beer from their end of the table. If the person spills the beer while pouring, a warning is given. If it occurs again by the same player, they are 'cut off' and are 'suspended' for one game(although this rule is rarely, if ever, enforced). The game ends when a team has made all their cups. If the team is on one cup and keeps making it, they keep going until they miss. Upon missing, the opposing team must make the same number of cups in a row and any other remaining cups.

When there is only one cup left on one end of the table, that team gets to move the cup wherever they want on their side of the table. However, the cup must be AT LEAST one cup width away from any neighboring cups. This cup can also be moved after one opposing team member shoots.

In the event of a tie, three cups are set up at each end and the same rules apply.

As for shooting off, etc, anything goes. However, you may not touch an opposing team member during shooting, use whistles or laser pens of any kind or move a cup/table during shooting. The result of any of these is automatic forfeiture of the game!

Upon winning, the winning team gets a time out to take a piss or whatever. They continue to play until they lose. the challenging team must fill all the cups with beer and refill any water cups.

Those are the basic rules of the game. Hopefully i will have some graphics up to better expalin the agme, but until that time comes, this will ahve to do.

Memorable Beer Pong Teams

These are some of the most memorable teams I ahve seen since I started playing pong.
- Nate and DV2
-Cutty and Max (Cutty and Pinkey)
- Duke and Janz
-Kreiger and Kuhla
-Jess and Nessa (won the first tournament at DV's1&2 cabin!)
-VT and Bart
-Bart and Bri Guy
-DV2 and Yats
-Josif and Yats
- Referees (when not playing) Kent and Pink
To any of the teams I forgot, my humblest apologies.

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