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~~~~~~~Erika Nichole~~~~~~~

Welcome to Erika's Area!
Where to begin talking about
this clip! For seven years,
there was only one child in my life.
Then, along came Erika!
She has been a burst of
energy in our lives.
As a spunky five year old, she is sure to win
the hearts of all who she encounters!

Erika was born in the beginning of November.
Everyone was so excited!
Another girl!
As the years passed and Erika
grew into her own personality,
we all knew she was going to be
a force to be reckoned with!
She has spunk,
and a style all her own!
Not to mention a stubborn streak a mile long!
She's her mother's daughter!!!

We recently went on a family
vacation to Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
It was there Erika decided just what
she wanted to be when she grew up!
As a parent, I couldn't have been
happier to hear that my 5 year old
had goals for herself already!
Until I heard just what those
goals were!
Erika wanted to be a Princess!
Not just any Princess, either.
She wanted to be Cinderella!
How charming!
So now, she is our Princess! Thru and thru!

It is my wish that Erika remains true
to herself as she grows.
She is a great little girl
with a true heart of gold.
Her main goals are to please anyone with whom she shares
breathing space. And please us she does!
My Ricki Nicki, will you always spread sunshine
where ever your little life
takes you, along the many roads you roam.
I love you my Cinderella Princess!

For your listening pleasure:

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

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