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Blackhawk HS Band



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2000 Band Camp Information

The 2000 BHS Marching Band Picture is viewable at Marching Band Picture

Current Marching band information can be found at 2000 Marching Band.

This information is provided to help students and parents prepare for Band Camp. The general information may be especially helpful to those students attending Band Camp for the first time.

If you have any questions, contact me at the High School (846-9600, ext.228) or by E-mail at <>. Up-to-date and additional Information is also available on the Band’s webpage at <>.

Band camp will be held August 7-11 from 8 AM - 9 PM at Blackhawk High School. (Evening practices will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 6-9 PM.) Your child will need to be transported to and from practice. Car pooling, when possible with other parents and students, can help ease your transportation problems. Students (and parents) driving to school must park in the track parking lot, not the Central Office lot.

ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND BAND CAMP which includes the evening rehearsals. Please adjust your work schedule as necessary. Also, in your long range planning, be sure to avoid scheduling doctor, dentist, orthodontist, etc. appointments during this time.

A lunch break is provided in the schedule. Students are required to remain on school grounds for lunch. The Band Boosters will provide a lunch counter for students. A menu and price list will be posted in the band room. Orders will be taken each morning before the morning rehearsal (to aid the parents working in the kitchen). You may pack your lunch at home and bring it with you in the morning in a brown bag or ice cooler. Everyone will eat lunch in the cafeteria.

The daily schedule is as follows:

8:00-12:00 Field rehearsal

12:00-12:45 Lunch

1:00-2:30 Section practice

2:30-4:00 Field rehearsal/marching skills/music rehearsal

6:00-9:00 Field rehearsal

We will follow this schedule as closely as possible. Water/rest breaks will be given as needed and determined by weather. If your child is late for rehearsal, come to school as quickly as possible. It is better to be late than not come at all. Rain will not cancel Band Camp. We will rearrange our schedule to fit the weather. If the week is rainy, be prepared to march with a raincoat or poncho.

Since the weather is usually hot, be sure to bring and drink plenty of fluids. Carbonated beverages are NOT good in hot weather. Plenty of water, Kool-Aid, Gator-Aide, etc. is needed. You may want to bring a cooler and/or water jug with you. We will provide ice and water during the day.


The following articles are examples of what you may need for band camp:

*Music/Drill Charts in a 3-ring binder Lunch and/or Snacks (?)
*Poker Chips Ice Chest
* Pencil Suntan lotion
*Small notebook Water
* Instrument/rifle/flag Raincoat/poncho
Reeds Sunglasses
Valve Oil Hat
Music Flip Folder/lyre Extra clothes, shoes, socks, etc.

* You must have your instrument, music binder, drill charts, notebook, poker chips, and pencil at all rehearsals. SHOES & SOCKS MUST BE WORN AT ALL MARCHING or FIELD REHEARSALS.

Please fill out, sign, date, and return your child’s Emergency Medical form by Monday, August 7. It is important for us (and your child!) to have this form in case an emergency should occur. We notify parents if an emergency happens. We will use the same form should any emergency occur during the entire Fall marching season. Be sure to have a parent/guardian's signature on the form and include necessary insurance information.

Every student must have a pair of BLACK marching shoes. Gloves will also be needed, but may be ordered at a later date for a cost of $3-4. We are deciding whether or not to wear gloves this year. (Please wait for before purchasing gloves.) No suspenders are needed; suspenders are built into the band trousers. A shoe order form and price list is enclosed in this packet. The leather "Dinkle" shoe costs $26.00, and the auxiliary leather "Stinger" shoe costs $22.00. The shoe-fitting day will be Wednesday, August 2, at 12 Noon. Full payment is needed with each order to avoid shipping/handling costs. Checks should be made payable to "Midwest Accessory Company." You may order shoes AT ANY TIME by returning the order form to Midwest Accessory Company at the address listed, by fax, or by phone. Appropriate shipping/handling charges will occur. Delivery will take approximately two weeks after ordering. You may use the same order form. Midwest brings sample shoes to try on for fit and size. Parents are welcome to attend. There is no obligation to order shoes from Midwest. Use these prices for comparison shopping at other stores. Shoes CANNOT be tennis or athletic shoes; they must be entirely black including the edge of the sole. When a decision is made about gloves, I will have gloves at school to purchase. Gloves will cost $3-4.

During Band camp, the high school swimming pool will be open between rehearsals on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 4:15 - 5:45 PM. Pool time and days may be added or changed. Information will be given at a later date about a parent’s picnic social and an end-of-camp picnic for students on Friday afternoon.



(There will be a change in format - we will have Woodwind sectionals and Brass sectionals - we will divide within these larger groups. (Obviously, Percussion and Color Guard will refer to their own separate schedule). Refer to the enclosed monthly calendars for July and August for your group.)

Week of July 10 Sectional Rehearsals - 9 AM - 12 Noon
July 11 Full Band - 6-9 PM
Week of July 17 Sectional Rehearsals - 9 AM - 12 Noon
July 19   Full Band - 6-9 PM
Week of July 24 Sectional Rehearsals - 9 AM - 12 Noon
July 27   Full Band - 6-9 PM
Week of July 31 Full Band Rehearsals - 9 AM - 12 Noon (Percussion also)
August 7-11 Band Camp - 8 AM - 4 PM
August 7,8,9,10 Band Camp (PM rehearsals) - 6-9 PM
August 14-17  Full Band - 6-9PM
August 21 Kennywood Parade - Ride all day; parade is at 8 PM
August 22-24 Full Band - 6-9 PM
August 28 Full Band - 6-9 PM
August 29 First day of School -- after-school practices start -- 2:20 - 4:15 PM
If you are home the day of your section or full band practice, you should be at the practice. Vacations are excused. Please let me know (by note or phone message) when you will be out of town.



Percussion practices will be announced (the first rehearsal is June 28 (both pit and batterie); section practices are marked on the section calendar during the month of July.

Summer practice helps the marching band achieve the high level of achievement with which we wish to perform. Your daily involvement is kept to a minimum in order to have an enjoyable Summer.


In order to aid you in planning your Fall, a tentative Fall Band Performance Schedule is included. (Remember, this is a tentative schedule and subject to change.) Additional football games become necessary when the football team makes the playoffs. A calendar of events and practices will be issued each month. More information will be forwarded as it is made available. Please refer to the Band Manual for attendance regulations.

Upperclassmen should note the following college test days during the upcoming year. Please note any schedule conflicts with band.




September 23, 2000

October 15, 2000 October 21, 2001
October 28, 2000 November 4, 2000  
December 9, 2000 December 2, 2000  
February 10, 2001 January 27, 2001  
April 7, 2001 March 31, 2001  
June 9, 2001

May 5, 2001


June 2, 2001




July 10 Section practices start
July 22 Fundraising project - American Family Fun Day at Camp Kwon-o-Kwee - Parent/student volunteers needed - contact Mr. Farioli for more information.
August 2 Shoe Fitting Day - 12 Noon
August 7-11 Band Camp
August 15 Pictures at Northwestern - 9 AM
August 21

Kennywood parade

August ?? Parent’s Football Passes Distributed - 6 PM
August 28 Full Band Practice 6-9 PM
August 29 First Day of School - Dress Rehearsal at NW-Evening - 6-8:30 PM
August 31 - Nov. ?? After-school practices-every Tues., Wed., & Thurs. until 4:15 PM - THURSDAYS ARE ALWAYS SHOE DAY!
September 1 Pine-Richland - Home
September 8 West Mifflin - Away
September 15 Ellwood City - Away
September 16 Possible Band Competition/festival
September 22 Montour - Home - Community Night
September 23 Beaver County Band Festival - PM
September 29 New Castle - Away
September 30 Possible Band Competition/festival
October 6 Ambridge - Home - Homecoming
October 7 No Activities Scheduled
October 13 Moon - Away
October 14 BOA Eastern Regional at West Virginia University - Time TBA
October 20 Hopewell - Home - Senior Night
October 21    Blackhawk Band Festival - PM
October ?? New Brighton Halloween Parade - PM
October 27 West Allegheny - Home
October 28 Band Competition
November 3 Football game or Playoff game - TBA
November 4  Possible Band Competition/festival
November 10  Veteran’s Day Parade at ?? -AM
November 10 Football playoff game TBA
November 14 Honors Band Auditions
December 7-9 Honors Band at Grove City College
December 14 Eighth Grade Christmas Concert
December 20 Senior High Christmas Concert



Rehearsal Staff for the 2000 - 2001 year:

Robert Barthen

Band Director

Russ Couch

Assistant Director

Linda Barthen

Visual Ensemble Director

Kevin Stahl

Marching/visual coordinator

Nick Barthen

Brass/Music Caption

John Taylor

Music Arranger

Jim Berry

Drill Design

Dave Campbell


Allan Fear


Ken Bragg


Jenn DeSantis


George Hoydich


Andrea Taylor




Sherwood Soley

Color Guard

Ed Large

Color Guard

Jennifer Barthen

Color Guard

Jenny Monza

Color Guard