The 1998 Blackhawk HS Indoor Marching Percussion Line has chosen Danny Elfman's "Nightmare Before Christmas" as the theme for this year's show. The music is arranged by John Taylor and drill design is by Brian Bambauer with Jim Miller as the indoor percussion instructor. Jim is assisted by Kevin Stahl and Brian Hazelwood. The equipment trailer is driven by Mr. Doug Hupp and assistant John Bradley.
The selections used in the show include: "Overture," "What's This?," "Jack's Obsession," and "Finale."
The Indoor Line consists of:
Anthony Cananzi-Snare
Jaime Telego-Mallets
Brad Hazelwood-Snare
Kristen Diaddigo-Mallets
Katie Green-Snare
Sarah Heiman-Mallets
Mark Hyre-Snare
Erin Hummel-Mallets
Brad Hayward-Tenor
Tiffani Brazeau-Mallets
Troy Weatherly-Tenor
Meghan Koynock-Mallets
Mike Balmer-Bass
John Bradley-Accessories
Luke Musser-Bass
Katie Wolz-Accessories
Doug Hupp-Bass
McKenzie Milanowski-Accessories
Ryan Gouldsbarry-Bass
Ben Jones-Tympani
Jonathan Rae-Bass
Kit Keiper-Electronics
Michelle Lutton-Electronics
Danette Bailey-Electronics
and Ben Palmer as Jack