Bern's World
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Bern's World

Wanna know what bears Reallydo in the woods? click here to find out (it's cute...)
To hear me('s not REALLY me) click Here
I am a 33 year old man with two children.

1 girl; age 10,

My son Storm

Let's not forget my lil dog


I used to live in Daytona The WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS BEACH. I worked as a chef and then a night club manager. After 8 spring breaks, bike weeks, and race weeks I had decided that I had enough. So I came back home to the north. I'm still trying to get used to the winters.

I currently work as a police officer.

I like to meet new and interesting people and I consider myself to be fairly good conversation. So, if you would like to know more about me feel free to drop a line. I'm always open to new friendships.

Follow these links to various areas of my page

A few photos of the family

My Police Page

Come to to Our little heaven

To Native American Links

My Bill page. This will have links to Shakespeare and other related stuff.

Are you an idiot!?!??!Take the test and find out!! Hee hee

You are visitor to visit my lovely page

I would like to ask that you take a few moments to visit the tribute page to Ana Duarte-Coiner. Ana and her mother were very dear friends of the family and they were tragically lost in the TWA flight 800 crash. Please drop in and take a look at her tribute page.

Any questions....ask..I won't bite


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