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~Coat of Arms~


I love living in Pennsylvania.

It`s not only a beautiful state it`s an historic one,as well.

On these pages I hope to share some of that beauty and history with you.

I hope you enjoy the tour;because,I think, it will show you why I am very proud to call Pennsylvania my home.

Pennsylvania Homepage
Pennsylvania Dutch Country Welcome Center
Hershey Park
Old Covered Bridges of SoutheasternPennsylvania

Philadelphia the Cradle of Liberty

Philadelphia Historic Mile Virtual Tour-The Most Historic Square Mile in America
Philadelphia-Travels and Sights

Welome to the Coal Region!

Fall in Pa.

These are the personal homepages of some of my fellow Pennsylvanians.

They are very nice pages.I hope you will stop by and visit them.

Sheila`s Corner

Cooking Page
Helpful Links Open
Bio Awards Fun Pages
Webrings Webrings2 Open

