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Lady Camaro's Hangout

This home page was started with a certain goal in mind. This goal was to bring the people of the Enchanted Castle together. So this website is devoted to supply information about fellow chatters. It consists of age, location, and interests. Also to provide others' hompages, email addresses, and any other means of communication. In my eyes this is a small gift to my family at the Castle. All of you have helped me in so many ways. I decided to try to return the favor. I hope you enjoy my home page. Please sign my guestbook and tell me your thoughts on it.

If you are not from the Enchanted Castle and ran into my site, please take some time to read a little about the Enchanted Castle. It is a friendly chat that is based on medieval times. You can role-play or have a delightful chat. The Castle has many rooms, whispering, and walls to read. I found a piece of myself at the Castle. My heart and soul feels more complete now. I found very dear friends that I consider family now. If you are in search of yourself and love to chat and meet new people, come give the Castle a try. It helped me and maybe it can help you too. You are welcome to join us anytime.

Note: This is strictly an OOC (Out of Character) page. For my Camaro McCould information page please go to the "My-EC Page" link on the left.

(Click on the image above to go to the chat)

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