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Adara McCloud

Name: Adara McCloud

Sex: Female

Birthday: October 1, 1982

Age: 25

Location: Colorado

Job: College Student

Hobbies: Internet, Chatting, Homepages, Surfing

Music: Basically Everything. My very favorites though are Ani Difranco, Guster, Billy Joel, BareNaked Ladies, Counting Crows

Fav Book: The Fountainhead-Ayn Rand, Brave New Wolrd-Aldous Huxley, The Mists of Avalon-Marion Zimmer Bradley

Fav Movie: Braveheart, Shakespeare in Love, A Bug's Life, The Lion King

Fav TV Show: Dawson's Creek, Will and Grace, The Thornberry's

Fav Quote or Saying: "Somehow I make you believe." -Guster, Demon

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: I have stories just as everyone does. Too many for just here.

Most Influential Person: My Boyfriend

What You Want to be: An Anthropologist

Future Goals: To have enough courage one day to do exactly what I want to do.

Most over-rated Thing in Life: College

Worst Feeling in the World: Loneliness

Best Feeling in the World: Being loved

What Makes You Cry the Most: Being left and feeling alone.

Physical Description: Blonde, blue eyes and funny hands, so I'm told.


Ways to Contact Adara

Home Page

 ICQ Number-12292100