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Name: Robert

Sex: Male

Age: 30

Location: Lapeer, Mich

Job: Marine

Birthday: January 24, 1978

Hobbies: Role Playing of course, Swimmming, Volleyball, Water Skiing, Barefooting

Music: Anything but hard rap....I need a good beat

Fav Book: The Sword of Truth Series by Terry Good Kind

Fav Movie: Not sure on that

Fav TV Show: Not sure haven't watch it in 4 years

Fav Quote or Saying: You know the saying you should walk in someone else's it then you got their shoes and yours as well

Most Influential Person: Me, Myself and I

What You Want To Be: Me and only me

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Judging someone before you know them

Worst Feeling in the World: Hate

Best Feeling in the World: Love

What Makes You Cry the Most: Seeing someone else cry


Ways to Contact Ahroun

Home Page

 ICQ Number - 63626486

 Yahoo Messenger - ahroun5