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Amber, Alinora, Chandra & Kora Ann

Name: Shelly

Sex: Female

Birthday: September 21, 1983

Age: 24

Location: Pahrump, Nevada

Job: Le Cordon Bleu school of Culinary Arts Student

Hobbies: Sleeping! Seriously tho I love to rock climb and cook

Music: Grunge rock, Punk Rock, Ska mainly but I also like some Country

Fav Book: anything by David Eddings

Fav Movie: The Princess Bride

Fav TV Show: I don't watch TV anymore but if I did it would be Law and Order SVU

Fav Quote or Saying: I may be cynical but its me deal with it or leave

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: I started school finally when I am 6 months pregnant

Most Influential Person: My best buddy Andy

What You Want to be: A Wedding Cake Designer

Future Goals: Be a good mom and graduate from school

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Love

Worst Feeling in the World: Having a broken heart

Best Feeling in the World: Happiness

What Makes You Cry the Most: Thinking about the past

Physical Description: 5 foot 6, brownish red hair, green eyes, normaly 105 lbs

Ways to Contact Amber

Home Page

 AOL Handle - ansoneal

 Yahoo IM - alinora_ariana