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Name: Rhianon Marie

Sex: Female

Birthday: October 6, 1986

Age: 21

Location: Gloucester

Job: Student

Hobbies: Reading, Athletics, Listening to Music, Rugby

Music: Pop e.t.c....Britney, Shakira, Blue Libertyx, Nsync

Fav Book: Harry Potter

Fav Movie: Braveheart

Fav TV Show: Charmed

Fav Quote or Saying: What goes around comes around

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: I have a weak ankle from jumping through bush

Most Influential Person: Dennis Lewis

What You Want to be: Police woman

Future Goals: To get a degree in law

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Money

Worst Feeling in the World: Heart broken

Best Feeling in the World: Love

What Makes You Cry the Most: People dying

Physical Description: Medium height, brown hair, toned


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