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Lady Azell

Name: Zelda

Sex: Female

Age: Sometimes 16 sometimes 100! All depends how I feel that day.

Location: Benoni, South Africa

Job: Freelance Bookkeeper

Birthday: February 23, 1958

Hobbies: Swimming, Diving, Snorkeling, Tennis, Batmington, Woodcarving, and Needlework need I say chatting to friends on the internet?

Fav Book: Animal Farm and any other romance stories

Fav Movie: There is so many but if I have to choose I would say Splender in the Grass

Fav TV Show: The Cosby Show

Fav Quote or Saying: There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.

Strange fact or story that happen to you: A complete stranger came up to me once and said "Will you please come with me I have a whole room full of presents I want to give you" I was only 17 at the time. Of course I didn't go with him! But it really happened!

Any other comments? I have come to like Camaro a lot she is one of my very favorite persons. I don't think she has one mean bone in her body.

Most Influential Person: The person that stands next to us (should be anyway)

What You Want To Be: A good listener

Future Goals: To get my doctorals degree

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Sex need I say more?

Worst Feeling in the World: When you know someone is being mean to you and ignoring you and you don't know why.

Best Feeling in the World: The feeing that you are being loved for yourself and not your looks.

What Makes You Cry the Most: Seeing people suffer whether due to illness or poverty

Physical Description: Auburn hair, emerald green eyes, 1.57m, 58kg (thats about 120lb)


Ways to Contact Lady Azell

 ICQ Number - 36688756