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Name: Billie

Sex: Female

Age: 34

Location: Willard, MO

Job: Nothing now studying to be a paralegal

Birthday: August 24th

Hobbies: Cooking, Camping, Hiking, Fishing, Swimming, Dancing, Reading, Staying in shape, Playing with my kids, and Meeting new people

Music: Country, Classic Rock, Dance

Fav. Movie: You Got Mail

Fav. TV Show: ER

Fav. Quote or Saying: Thats what friends are for

Most Influental Person: My Aunt

What You Want To Be: A Paralegal

Future Goals: Raising my children and to get my paralegal course done

Worst feeling in the World: Being Depressed

Best feeling in the World: The happiness of having my children

What Makes You cry the most: My oldest child rebelling against me

Physical Description: 5'5", 110 lbs, blonde hair, and blue eyes

Any children: 3 boys


Ways to Contact Bash

 Home Page

 ICQ Number-40859926

 AOL Handle-BillieMO25