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Caillean of Avalon

Name: Gill

Sex: Female

Birthday: May 20th

Location: UK

Music: Depends on my mood, anything except Heavy Metal and those country songs with women signing about being treated bad by some guy! DUMP HIM!!

Fav Book: Oh heck! too many to mention!

Fav Movie: Well that depends on my mood

Fav TV Show: Soapaholic -'nuff said!

Fav Quote or Saying: It seemed like a good idea at the time (source unkown but I quote it often)

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: If I tell you that you'll think I really AM weird!

Most Influential Person: My friends, who are all older and infinitly wiser than me..but now and again I surprise them!

What Makes You Cry the Most: Knowing I can't do anything more

Physical Description: 5' 4 (and a half), blonde (usually) kindda average all round


Ways to Contact Caillean

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 ICQ Number - 93188993