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Name: Cathy

Sex: Female

Age: 23

Location: Toledo, Ohio

Job: Student

Birthday: November 15th

Hobbies: Reading, Volleyball, Softball, and of course playing on the computer

Music: Whatever is on the radio

Fav Book: The Giver

Fav Movie: The Princess Bride

Fav TV Show: Simpsons

Fav Quote or Saying: AOL is the devil! ~LMAO~

Strange fact or story that happen to you: You're asking ME this question? ~LMAO~ Too many to choose from!

What You Want To Be: When I grow up, I wanna be a computer network setter-upper person! (~L~ they get paid big bucks! And I like computers, so I thought I'd do that!)

Future Goals: Graduating from high school with honors (*grins* I'm the over achiever person) and, going to a good college and getting a 4-year degree

Worst Feeling in the World: When someone isn't around no more, someone that you just really loved to talk to, but you can't. That's when it hurts.

Best Feeling in the World: When you're on top of the Power Tower at Cedar Point and you can see forever! That is sooooo cool! (but, when you drop, that scares me and I rode it 6 times in one day!)

Physical Description: Blue-gray eyes, "dishwater" blonde hair, about 5'7"


Ways to Contact Catarntina

 ICQ Number - 29248897

 AOL Handle - Catherintina