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Courtney Riley

Name: Michelle

Sex: Female

Birthday: July 7, 1977

Age: 30

Location: Seguin

Job: Stay at home mommy

Hobbies: Swimming, Horseback Riding, Pool, Dancing, Clubbing, Partying

Music: R&B, Rock, Metal, Alternative

Fav Book: Anything by Anne Rice

Fav Movie: Horror or Comedy, don't really have a fav.

Fav TV Show: Drew Carry

Fav Quote or Saying: Beauty comes from within....or a really good plastic surgen

Most Influential Person: My son, when he gives me those big puppydog eyes. I'll do anything.

What You Want to be: I want to be remembered as a decent person and a good mother.

Future Goals: Get divorced

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Fast cars

Worst Feeling in the World: Telling someone you love them deeply...and they respond with...I love you too...but not like that.

Best Feeling in the World: First cigarette of the morning

What Makes You Cry the Most: Losing a family member or friend

Physical Description: 5'7, 135lbs, ...errr brown, blond, then dark brown hair (long story) a small butterfly tatoo on back of left shoulder


Ways to Contact Courtney

 ICQ Number - 213295554