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Datile Ardens

Name: Garreth

Sex: Male

Birthday: February 22, 1986

Age: 21

Location: Northampton

Job: Student

Hobbies: Role Playing, Skating, Surfin, Biking

Music: Rock!

Fav Book: Lord Of The Rings

Fav Movie: Pirates Of The Carribean

Fav TV Show: Lexx

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: ~{Theres not enough space for all mine but i'll list one}~ MY LIFE

Most Influential Person: Girlfriends and Parents

What You Want to be: Computer Games Designer

Future Goals: To to and be what I want!

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Chocolate

Worst Feeling in the World: Depression and lonliness

Best Feeling in the World: Love

What Makes You Cry the Most: Being alone and depressed

Physical Description: Tall, medium build, Dark hair, and dark eyes


Ways to Contact Datile

 Home Page

 Yahoo IM - hacker_mad