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Daxis McCloud

Name: Daxis McCloud

Sex: Male

Birthday: January 10, 1977

Age: 31

Location: Ontario, Canada

Job: Super porn star hehehehe

Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Internet Addiction hehehe

Music: Anything but country, but predominantly electronica, rave music hehehehe

Fav Book: The Illiad by Homer

Fav Movie: Braveheart

Fav TV Show: Survivor & Highlander the Series

Fav Quote or Saying: I am what I am nothing more nothing less

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: well this one time when I was at band camp ~LMAO~ mmmm prolly the time I got abducted by space aliens and they took me to their home planet so I could help them make snuff films behind their local Dairy Queen but luckily I highjacked a magic space cow and made it home in time for dinner ~winks~

Most Influential Person: that guy named Bob who does that thing with that whatchamacallit. I dunno THAT just REALLY impressed me to no ends and inspired me beyond reason to be all I can be.

What You Want to be: A child again ~winks~

Future Goals: To take over the whole muah hahahahaha I WILL DO IT REALLY! REALLY NOW I WILL!!!

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Happy meal toys those things are really cheap ya know ya can't even run them over without having them break they don't withstand firecracker fire either!!!

Worst Feeling in the World: That feeling ya get when you know yer not SO fresh ~LMAO~ j/k

Best Feeling in the World: hehehe do you really need to ask ME that ~LMAO~ mmmmm lets just say nevermind hahahaha

What Makes You Cry the Most: When someone drills like a ten inch nail into your ear and it pops out the other side that is just hurtful and makes me cry

Physical Description: 6', short brown hair, blue eyes, 180 lbs


Ways to Contact Daxis

 ICQ Number - 11361317