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De'Lana Riley

Name: Anna

Sex: Female

Birthday: June 27, 1979

Age: No Comment LOL

Location: Pahrump, Nevada

Job: Mother of triplets and one more and adopted mom of a teenager (Yes I am crazy)

Hobbies: Chatting at EC and At Demon's Playing with my babies, and irritateing my hubby *Grins*

Music: All sorts really except Disco, anything but that bwa chica bwa wa stuff LOL

Fav Book: Faerie Tale (It is REALLY creepy)

Fav Movie: What I gotta pick ONE! Ummm the Crow # 1 (Yummy Brandon Lee)

Fav TV Show: Who's line is it anyways

Fav Quote or Saying: IF only the gene pool had a life guard

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: Hmmm strange fact or story well, a little more than 1 year ago I swore to my mum that I was never having kids cause they'd end up like me and now I have a set of 1 yr old triplets and a little boy on the way! Becareful of what you say LOL

Most Influential Person: My brother Jaysin, He taught me what it was to live.

What You Want to be: A good mother to my kids

Future Goals: To have my last child safely and not have any more and to live happily ever after.

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Life LoL no one gets out alive

Worst Feeling in the World: Having a loved one die

Best Feeling in the World: Being with your friends and family, a feeling of loving and being loved

What Makes You Cry the Most: Sappy Chic flicks, I will be honest I cry everytime I see message in a bottle

Physical Description: (Ok this is the normal me not the pregant now me LoL) I am about 5 foot 1 on a good day, I have long blonde hair and I am about 113 pound, green eyes, and a killer smile


Ways to Contact De'Lana

 Yahoo IM - Strawberry_Chapstick