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Din Techo

Name: Chris

Sex: Male

Birthday: October 28, 1985

Age: 22

Location: Washington State

Job: High School Student

Hobbies: Computers, Writing, Skateboarding

Music: System of a Down, Staind

Fav Book: The Sword of Sharanna

Fav Movie: Jackass

Fav TV Show: I don't know.... Jackass?

Fav Quote or Saying: "Well, doesn't that just beat all!"

Strange Fact or Story that Happen to You: I can burp on command and also I can pop my knuckles on command too!

Most Influential Person: Chris Farley

What You Want to be: Computer Related Work

Future Goals: Computer Programming/Webpage Design, Marriage

Most over-rated Thing in Life: Using the word Bob

Worst Feeling in the World: Not being trusted

Best Feeling in the World: Love

What Makes You Cry the Most: ... uhhhh.... I don't know. Losing someone...

Physical Description: 5'10", brown hair, green eyes, medium built.....uhhhh..


Ways to Contact Din Techo

 Home Page

 AOL Handle - Din69898691

 Yahoo IM - din_techo


 Excite IM - din_techo